• Indoor Cycling
team coach amplify


to connect body and mind

Transform your life at amplify, Nice new Soulful Fitness Boutique in the Massena area.

Our Indoor-Cycling sessions bring you a physical, mental and emotional experience you have never lived in your usual fitness studio before.

Our mission is to break down barriers and make cycling accessible and fun for everyone.

We welcome all who gives their best. The entry is inclusive the experience is exclusive.

At amplify we don’t judge and there is no competition. We ride together, we sweat together, and we live in the here and now. We believe in strong mind and clear heart. We build a community of like-minded people who believes in practice not perfection, and fear nothing.
We can’t stop and won’t stop. Join the squad.

Your first time at amplify

there is always
a first time

Your first time at amplify

Just bring your favorite training outfit, your energy and your best smile!

Show up 20 minutes before class starts and sign in.

Our team is there to be with you throughout your first experience at amplify. From the changing rooms to the fitness room, let us guide you!

First session


All our sessions are offering a unique experience. Every single detail is designed to make you feel better, stronger, and confident that your session exceeded your expectations.

One of the best things about about our classes is that they can be adapted to any fitness level. We give you the ability to adjust the intensity of our classes by choosing the resistance level on the bike. The workout can suit each client's abilities. With every class, confidence and strength increase, so we encourage first-timers to go at their own pace and have fun at amplify.

To book a session, you need to create an online account. You may then purchase online credits or membership (credit card) and book a session at a convenient day and time for you. You can also book and pay your session directly at the studio.

Yes, we offer memberships without an entry fee (2-month commitment period). Choose what fits your goals and lifestyle most.

Our studio has lockers with built in, easy-to-use locks. We also have separate changing rooms, complete with toiletries and showers.

Yes there is a public parking across the street.

See all the frequently asked questions.